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Experience Change with
Tatjana Crealy 

Your Local Bowen Therapist and Intuitive Healer - Here to Assist You


"Gratitude is the highest expression of love. So as one understands gratitude... one feels love on a higher vibration."

Federation of Light


A Bit About Bowen Therapy

Assisting You On Your Path of Self-Healing

The Bowen Technique is a very gentle form of natural healing and can offer relief from pain, long term injuries and illnesses. Clients can experience improved sporting performance, relaxation and emotional well-being.


A Bowen session involves gentle moves, applied to very specific points on the body, with significant pauses between each series of moves.

A very relaxing and truly holistic approach to healing.


In order to appreciate Bowen Technique's subtlety and depth, the therapy really needs to be experienced.


My Clients’ Experiences

The Bowen worked!


Hi Tatjana

The Bowen worked! I feel so much better, thank you. Still a little tender, but I'm sure that will disappear in the next few days. Many thanks.

Tumbarumba, NSW

QSB & Wave - Quantum Scalar Box

Quantum Scalar Box is a De-Stressing, self-healing device which works at the cellular level, beyond both the mental and emotional.


The QSB is using Scalar Waves in Solfeggio healing frequencies which has a true de-stressing effect in which state healing can happen at causal level.


Using the QSB alongside Bowen Technique works perfectly to amplify the healing effect/result.


Add the QSB Wave device and experience a revolution in healing and age reversal!!





QSB with Pyramid_edited.jpg

Mind Body & Bowen

Listening to your body's messages

A new approach to working with trauma held in the body that causes chronic and recurring issues.

Each Bowen session is unique and many times the client experiences subtle sensations after only a few Bowen moves.

The body remembers what the mind might have forgotten. The inherent intelligence of the body indicates links between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being.

By listening to these sensations, the help of intuitive communication and performing specific Bowen moves, post traumatic stress can be released.


There is a story behind your body's sensations. Each session will reveal, if it is time to listen to your story.

Kabbalah Life Analysis

Will help you learn about...


  • Your meaning of your life's work and tasks

  • What your soul wants to learn in this life

  • How your body will indicate with possible symptoms etc. if you are off your life's track


The name Kabbalah means "The Book of Buried Wisdom" which is knowledge that has been handed down over thousands of years and was considered an esoteric doctrine.


Discover these mystical teachings from Israel which are rapidly gaining in meaning as our times change.








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