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Mind Body & Bowen

"It is not that one has more opportunity than another... it is when one is ready for the vibrational lift within the self."
Federation of Light


A Brief History

The Mind Body Bowen approach was pioneered by Australian Bowen Therapy Academy Instructors Anne Schubert and Margaret Spicer. They discovered this new approach to working with trauma held in the body.


Margaret and Anne have been instrumental in developing the Mind Body Bowen approach and delivering their knowledge in workshops for qualified Bowen Practitioner since 2002.

Starting out in Australia, they have been holding Mind Body Bowen workshops in Europe, N.Z and other parts of the world.

Image Ripple effect by freepik




How It Works

In a Mind Body and Bowen session the focus is on the client's individual bo8dy sensations felt after each set of Bowen moves.


A communication with the powerful and amazing innate self-healing intelligence takes place. The innate self-healing intelligence uses signs and symptoms as a means of communication and provides access to ‘cause’.

Noting these sensations provided helps addressing links to the subtle anatomy of the body (e.g. muscle/meridian correspondences.). This way the holistic nature of Bowen therapy allows to explore the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual links.


With the help of the client's felt sensations and intuitively exploring connections/experiences the session will finish with releasing the stuck energy (post traumatic stress) in the cellular memory.  This allows to bring back balance, energy flow and resulting in total relaxation.


Image of Velvety smooth chocolate ripples by kjpargeter



A Mind Body & Bowen Session

A client’s Mind Body & Bowen session is very individual and can't be booked as an appointment as such.

Each Bowen session will show if it turns in to a Mind Body and Bowen approach or not depending on the client's timing and readiness.

Every client is unique and so will each session unfold uniquely.

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Will Mind Body & Bowen help me?

When the muscle tensions linked to the memory/trauma can be released, the energies can flow and a new state of well-being can follow.


Therefore the condition/symptom linked to these tensions can ease.


Image Tranquility by ArthurHidden



Margaret Spicer

City Bowen & Natural Therapies

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